Personal Data Protection

Privacy of the personal information is of utmost importance in the global information society. The basic legal principles of personal data protection are subject to uniform regulation by the legislation of the European Union (EU). Community law creates a common framework, ensuring that any personal data subject to processing or transfer within the EU will be protected with equal high standard of care and confidence. By understanding these standards, we help our clients to ensure that their business and internal operations involving personal data comply with the local and EU regulations.

How we can help

  • We provide legal advice on all aspects of the Bulgarian and EU data protection legislation
  • We assist and represent our clients in all procedures and steps ensuring compliance of their personal data operations
  • We draft legal documents (data transfer agreements, internal policies, etc.) focusing on the practicality and security of the data operations and transfers
  • We represent and defend our clients in court and administrative disputes on the matters concerning personal data protection.

Key data protection practice areas

  • Legal due diligence on personal data compliance
  • Ongoing compliance support in the personal data operations
  • Procedural support and representation before the court and personal data protection authorities.