EU Law

Bulgaria is one of the two newest member states of the Union. While still struggling with important governance deficiencies, Bulgaria will inevitably improve its administration and judiciary, applying in the end efficiently, and benefitting from, the acquis communautaire.

As a law firm, we take a long-term view of the importance of understanding the European Union law in its broader contexts and its dynamics. With the development of EU law, the ways in which business is done in Bulgaria will also change, and so will the practices of law. It is our ambition to focus on the everyday issues of our clients, but equally on what will impact this business in the longer-term perspective.

How we can help

  • We can advise clients on the rules and regulations governing the use of EU structured funds and other available funding from EU sources; we can assist them with preparing and filing applications for access to such funds
  • We assist clients on key aspects of the acquis communautaire, such as the core economic freedoms – freedom of movement of goods, persons, services and capital, competition, consumer protection, the principles of the single market in general, common policy in relations with third countries, environmental policy, among others
  • Though the sister law firms in our legal network, and through other law firms we cooperate with, we can assist clients in the implementation of pan-European projects related to European Union law, we can assist in the expression of our clients’ opinion to relevant EU governance bodies, e.g. in response to calls for evidence, in the context of preparation of consultation papers by EU bodies, or otherwise.
  • We can also, directly or indirectly, through the assistance of our sister law firms or other law firms we cooperate with, present our clients’ views to relevant EU intuitions, or before the judicial bodies of the EU;
  • Representation before the Bulgarian courts and the judicial organs of the EU.

Key EU law practice areas

  • EU structured funds
  • Advice on the fundamental principles of the acquis communautaire
  • Presentation of the viewpoint of clients in the context of calls for evidence
  • Litigation related to the acquis communautaire
  • Preliminary rulings.